Thousands of images, stories and information about quilts and their makers have been saved by hundreds of public and private collections around the world, representing the work of thousands of community-based and independent scholars, digital humanists, and professionals in libraries, archives, and museums. The Quilt Index has made efforts to keep track of the projects and welcomes records from research and documentation projects, regardless of scope or size. No Vermont projects have yet joined the Quilt Index. We have collected the following information about their efforts. 

If you have any corrections, updates, or want to join the Quilt Index, contact Beth Donaldson,

Quilts made in Vermont have been documented by other projects. To see the quilts made in Vermont that are currently in the Quilt Index, click here.

Vermont Quilt Search
Records housed: ?
Documentation Dates: 1988 (completed)
Parameters: statewide, cut-off date of 1960
Total Quilts: 1,100+
Number of documentation days held: 20


Bullard, Lucy Folmar and Shiell, Betty Jo. Chintz Quilts: Unfaded Glory. Tallahassee, FL: Serendipity Publishers, 1983.


Carlisle, Lilian Baker. Pieced Work & Applique: Quilts at the Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT: Shelburne Museum, 1957.


Cleveland, Richard L. and Bister, Donna. Plain and Fancy: Vermont People and their Quilts. The Quilt Digest Press, 1991.


Fons, Mary, ed. Quiltfolk. Issue 10 - Vermont. Eugene, Oregon, 2019.


Hatch, Pricilla. Quilts from the Shelburne Museum. Kokusai Art, Tokyo: Japan, 1996.


Joyce, Henry. Art of the Needle, 100 Masterpiece Quilts from the Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT: Shelburne Museum, 2003.


Oliver, Celia Y. 55 Famous Quilts from the Shelburne Museum in Full Color. New York, NY: Dover Publishing, 1990.


Oliver, Celia Y. Enduring Grace, Quilts from the Shelburne Museum Collection. Lafayette, CA: C&T Publishing, 1997.

Quilt History Bibliography

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