Daughters of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
The Daughters of Hawai‘i was founded in 1903 by seven progressive women ahead of their time. Born in Hawai‘i, they were citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom before annexation and foresaw the inevitable loss of much of the Hawaiian culture. They founded the society “to perpetuate the memory and spirit of old Hawai‘i and of historic facts, and to preserve the nomenclature and correct pronunciation of the Hawaiian language.”
The Daughters of Hawai‘i was one of the first organizations in Hawai‘i to recognize the importance of historic preservation. Since the early 1900s it has been distinguished for preserving Hānaiakamalama in Nu‘uanu, commonly known as the Queen Emma Summer Palace, and Hulihe‘e Palace in Kailua-Kona, restoring them with original royal furnishings and regalia. The Daughters continue to preserve and maintain two of Hawai‘i's three royal palaces, as well as the birth site of King Kamehameha III at Keauhou Bay in Kailua-Kona.
Today, the Daughters of Hawai‘i is a nonprofit corporation with a volunteer Board of Directors overseeing the management and operation of the two Palaces.
Documentation Project
Hawaiian Quilt Research Project Kalihi-Palama Culture and Arts Society