Quilting Imagery in the Writings of Rachel Field


From Uncoverings 1996, Volume 17 of the Research Papers of the American Quilt Study Group


By: Barron, Tracy W.

Tracy Barron was raised in Lynchburg, Virginia, but now calls Massachusetts her home. She holds a B.A. in English and a M.A.T., and has taught English to both high school students and college freshmen. When she resumed her teaching career, after taking time to raise four children, she discovered quilt history. This introduction has turned into a serious endeavor to combine her love of quilts and of English in her scholarly work.

​When AQSG added Uncoverings articles to the Quilt Index, they omitted all the illustrations, for lack of permissions. Although the articles found in the QI (1980-2010, 2012-2016) lack illustrations, they link to quilts, essays, special collections, and documentation projects across the Quilt Index, introducing them to a wider audience. The permission issues have since been resolved and in 2024, AQSG completed adding all the Uncoverings volumes from 1980-2023 to the Digital Commons@University of Nebraska-Lincoln. They are completely searchable and include all the illustrations. You can find, Uncoverings 1996, Volume 17, at this link,