Creating a New Tradition: Quilting in Tonga


From Uncoverings 2000, Volume 21 of the Research Papers of the American Quilt Study Group


By: Herda, Phyllis S.

Phyllis S. Herda, a senior lecturer in women's studies at the University of Auckland, has lived in New Zealand since 1981. Her academic work in anthropology and history centers around gender, power, and colo­nialism, and she holds degrees from colleges in Arizona, New Zealand, and Australia. Phyllis is currently studying women's quilting in Poly­nesia under a Marsden Fund grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand.

​When AQSG added Uncoverings articles to the Quilt Index, they omitted all the illustrations, for lack of permissions. Although the articles found in the QI (1980-2010, 2012-2016) lack illustrations, they link to quilts, essays, special collections, and documentation projects across the Quilt Index, introducing them to a wider audience. The permission issues have since been resolved and in 2024, AQSG completed adding all the Uncoverings volumes from 1980-2023 to the Digital Commons@University of Nebraska-Lincoln. They are completely searchable and include all the illustrations. You can find, Uncoverings 2000, Volume 21, at this link,