Michigan State University Museum; Cuesta Benberry Ephemera Collection; Black Diaspora Quilt History Project
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
A pattern for the Fox and Geese quilt block.
The Farm Journal
Philadelphia, Pa.
(12" square when finished)
Piece #1 32 white
Piece #2 16 figured
Piece #3 4 white 4 figured
Piece #4 1 figured
indicates straightway of material

For accuracy in piecing the block cut from cardboard a pattern the actual size of each piece when seams are off. This will be the space inside the dotted lines. On each piece of material mark on wrong side with a pencil around this cardboard pattern, emphasizing the points at corners. The points of each two pieces which are to be sewed togetehr should be matched accurately and pinned. The seam will be taken where the pencil mark is.

This design looks best put together without a sash. In fact, it will lose much in attractiveness if sash is used. Without a sash, 42 blocks will be required to make a quilt 72" x 84" for 56 blocks will be required to make a quilt 84" x 96". Border will add extra inches, according to border used. A small figured material is very effective used in this design but plain might be used if desired.

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