Bible Quilt Pattern

August 1938
Michigan State University Museum; Cuesta Benberry Ephemera Collection; Black Diaspora Quilt History Project
United States
Copy of a Ladies Home Journal pattern for the Jonah and the Whale block in the Bible Quilt. Includes color instructions and list of all the blocks.
Bible Quilt Pattern No. 1503
See the enclosed sheet for directions for making this pattern. Quilt for a crib or child's bed with colored and embroidery suggestions. Home Journal. Copy of Original

Return to: Mrs. H.C. Dickerson
2424 Hackberry Lane
Birmingham 16, Ala.

Color and Fabric Suggestions
For Bible Quilt No. 1503
Issued by the Make It Yourself Department - Ladies' Home Journal

With all the tiny pieces that go into the stories, this patchwork quilt is not easy to make, as you can see, but when it is finished, you will have an heirloom your little girl can give her little girl! Before you begin cutting your material, write in the color notations on this sheet so that you will have a working guide. Better still, cut a snip of the fabircs and lay in their places, then you will have a better idea of the whole color scheme. Trace off the outlines of the pieces, so that you can keep the diagram chart. If you prefer to do all the cutting out at one time, have a large envelope for each story square.
The background squares are 12" x 11 1/2", and allow for 1/4" hem. If you use only the story squares, 3 squares wide, with a 3-inch border top and bottom, the quilt will be 42" x 52"; but alternating the story squares, with a plain square, the quilt will be 48" x 69".
Use plain color chambray - ivory, pale grey-blue or light beige for large squares. The background should be neutral to make an effective color scheme. The original quilt was worked on grey cotton. Sew down the pieces, turning under a 1/8" hem with an over-and-over stitch, and embroider details as directed. Work eyes in black or blue satin stitch, features in black with running stitch, and mouths in red satin stitch, with mercerized embroidery cotton. Join squares, sew on the border, line with quilt lining or cotton batting and face.

Daniel in the lions' den. Daniel - blue linen robe and print belt; peach or flesh chambray for face, arms and feet, beard, brown linen. Center lion, yellow-linen mane outlined in grey or lavender feather stitching, features and leg outlines in chain stitch. Left lion, salmon pink linen; right beast, tan shirting; features worked the same. Angel - white or delicate blue stripe cotton for robe, pink features, orange hair, print wing; eyes worked in blue satin stitch, mouth in red, wreath in green mercerized embroidery cotton.

Samson and Delilah. Curtains, blue chambray. Bench, black mercerized cotton. Samson - flesh or salmon pink linen; robe, half tiny blue print, half deep blue linen; buckle, yellow print; hair, brown shirting; boots, yellow print with straps worked in crimson buttonhole stitch. Sword - pale green chambray. Delilah - white cotton, with orange hair; yellow chambray bra, small calico print skirt. Men in background, flesh cotton or linen features, yellow caps, brown beards and prints and checks for robes.

David and Goliath. Tents at left, checked gingham and bright yellow shirting, blue flags, doors worked in black buttonhole stitch. Tents at right, green cotton and plaid gingham, red flags, doors and flagpoles worked in black. Goliath - flesh or salmon pink linen for body, orange beard; shirt, blue linen with yellow shoulder pads, lavender belt with yellow buckle; skirt, black and white cotton print; leg shields, light blue linen with deep blue leg bands; black mercerized cotton shoes; helmet, white cotton with deep blue linen crest, shield, white cotton circles worked in tan mercerized embroidery floss; spear, green linen with tan spearhead. David - pink shirting body, yellow linen hair, print cotton dress with red belt; sling worked in black chain stitch and blue running stitch.

Noah's Ark. Noah - rose spun rayon robe, white cotton hair and beard, face and arms in pink cotton. Mrs. Noah - hair, brown shirting; robes, blue and white check; features, pink cotton. One giraffe in salmon pink linen, other in spotted calico - red-outlined white dots on yellow background. Tree, green linen top, brown shirting brush. Monkeys - one in gunmetal, the other in light tan cotton; features oultined in black, mouths worked in red satin stitch. Rock, gree linen. Ark - yellow linen roof, white walls with windows worked in chain stitch in black. White dove, green leaf embroidered in satin stitch. Red, white and blue rainbow.

Moses in the bulrushes. Pharoah's daughter - body, tan shirting; hair, black wool crepe; skirt, white cotton with gay print overskirt; headdress, pink chambray with print tail, cock's head embroidered in black. Slave - black wool or crepe; skirt, tiny flowered dimity; headdress cotton print; eyes worked in white and black; mouth in red satin stitch. Fan, blue and white print. Bulrushes, green linen with cattails in brown shirting, stems in chain stitch. Moses - pink cotton. Cradle, white dotted cotton. Sphinx, white with features embroided in blue. Pyramids, tan and white cotton.

Adam naming the animals. Elephant, lavender linen, white trunk. Tiger, salmon pink linen, stripes worked in red and pink running stitch, eyes in green. Rabbit, white cotton with pink running stitch outlining features. Green chambray foilage. Adam - pink cotton with orange beard and hair, table in white. Use white muslin for signs and embroider names and Adam's pen in black. Outline animals' faces, legs, etc. with running stitch.

The Egyptians in the Red Sea. Wave, red calico with crest of wave in white. Horse, tan shirting, bridle worked in blue chain stitch and buttonhole stitch; reins in rose running stitch. Chariot, blue denim for wheel, blue linen for box and shaft, collar in green. Captain - face and arms, flesh sateen; hair, black cotton; robe, green shirting with blue-and-orange print apron; headdress, tiny dimity print. Slave - pink body, black hair, yellow helmet, coat, navy cotton with tiny dimity print skirt; spear worked in yellow chain stitch and satin stitch. Israelities - green linen, calico print and checked robes; hair in orange and brown; headdress on center figure, pale blue linen.

Jonah and the whale. Whale - black sateen, red calico mouth, eye worked in white mercerized embroidery cotton, spout white cotton. Ocean waves - white cotton. Jonah - pink shirting for body, brown shirting beard and shoes, rose linen cap and belt, robe in tiny blue-and-white print. Printed calico for land, brown shirting for palm trunks, green chambray for tops. Boat, yellow chambray with plaid gingham sail, mast and sailors embroidered in running stitch.

Joseph and his brethren. Pink shirting for faces, arms and feet. All robes are checks, stripes, tiny prints, white for Benjamin. Hair, brown or tan shirting, black cotton, orange linen for Asher and Benjamin, Joseph - yellow hair, tunic in blue linen with blue, red, white and yellow stripes, plaid gingham skirt. Work all names in black running stitches. "Joseph" in red. Work lines on ground in black running stitch.

The Queen of Sheba's visit. King - blue linen robe, plaid gingham coat, gold linen crown, brown shirting beard, pink shirting for flesh. Queen - body, flesh sateen; hair, black cotton; collar and girdle, red cotton; skirt, green print; armlets and coronet embroidered in gold floss; green feather headdress. Camel - salmon pink shirting, blanket, blue calico; pack, blue and white dimity with green covers, a red and yellow band crossed on pack. Little boy - white flesh, red and white print dress, golden hair, and green cap. Work steps in white, rein in blue and outline camel's leg in gold running stitch.

Jacob's ladder. Gold linen sun with rays worked in running stitch. White, pink and grey cotton clouds. Ladder, blue linen. Jacob - flesh cotton for features, rust-color rayon beard, black and white thin cotton robe. Stones, brown and black. Trees, green cotton. Top angel - features, white cotton; yellow hair, robe in white dotted calico, wings in lavender print. Angel - features, pink cotton, orange hair, robe in blue-and-white flower print, wings in pink-and-white print. Work horizon in green running stitch, tree trunks in black chain stitch.

Belshazzar's feast. Tablecloth - lavender, linen, legs black cotton. The hand, pink shirting, cuff worked in pink buttonhole stitch, pen in gold running stitch, writing in black running stitch. King - features, white cotton; orange beard, pale green crown; robe, red and white calico print; coat, blue linen with blue-and-white print sleeves. Queen - pink cotton face, yellow hair, coronet embroidered in gold satin stitch; robe in plain green and print. Man guest - rose print robe, natural cotton face, brown shirting beard, black cotton cap. Woman guest - salmon pink linen face and hand, red calico hair with gold embroidered coronet, blue and white dimity check robe. Child - pink cotton flesh, tiny calico print robe, brown shirting hair. Outline the wine glasses in white, the wine in red, and King's shoes in gold with running stitch.

Copyright 1938
Curtis Publishing Company

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