Women of Color Quilter's Network, Inc., New York Chapter
New York Chapter
Volume 1, Issue 1
January 2001
OfficersDr. Carolyn L. Mazloomi, President, Founder
Myrah Brown Green, Chairperson, NY Chapter
Sandy Benjamin-Hannibal, Vice-Chairperson, NY Chapter
Happy 2001
Greetings All,
When I look back and reflect over our year together as Women of Color Quilter's Network, NY Chapter all can say is, "What a great and blessed year we've had". Even with all of our challenges as individuals, together we stood strong.
We started off 2000 welcoming Dindga McCannon into the Network and began preparing for our "Soul and Spirit" show at the historical Cinque Gallery in SOHO. The show opened in March. From there the quilts traveled to be exhibited at CRT Craftery Gallery in Hartford, Connecticut. Peggie Hartwell performed a gallery talk. Sandy Benjamin-Hannibal gave a quilt making workshop, and I presented a lecture. Edjohnetta Miller curated the show.
Since then, we have continued to develop the community service component of WCQN through the Foundling Hospital, The American Crafts Museum, Toys For Tots, and Collective Fellowship and Peace Academy (a private day school in Brooklyn, NY). In addition, Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi was nominated for an award by the National Endowment on the Arts. Aleece Budeen's "Add On Coat" was exhibited in Roland Freeman's Buffalo, NY showing of "Communion of the Spirit", my quilt, "Revelation: The Circle of Life Prevails", placed third in the judged "Roots and Racism" exhibit, Hazel Blackman received an award from the Bronx Boys and Girls Club, Sandy Benjamin Hannibal presented her new line of fabrics at Quilt Market in Houston, Texas, many of us participated in other quilt shows independent of the Network. Spirits of the Cloth: Contemporary African American Quilts entered its second printing and "Spirits of The Cloth," the exhibit, has made history since its opening at the Smithsonian, Questa Benberry's "A Piece of My Soul: Quilts by Black Akransas" hit the books stands, and the list goes on and on.
This year will be just as exciting. Our first meeting of the year will begin with a special treat from renowned imporvistational quilt artist Edjohnetta Miller. There will be show and tell, more workshops, more quilt shows, more community service, and more surprises. I'm getting excited just talking about it. See you at our first meeting. Bring your sewing machine, something for show and tell, some fabric scraps and come prepared to pay dues.
In the spirit quilt making.
Myrah Brown Green
January 27th, 2001
St. Paul the Apostle Rectory at 12:00 noon
405 W. 59th Street (Bet. 9 & 10th)
Inside this issue:
Community Service 2
The Smithsonian's Permanent Collection 2
We Celebrate the Life of Mary Ellen Webb 2
The "Unity Collection" 3
Quilt Challenge 2001 3
Improvisational Quilt Workshop 3
"Places to Go, Books to Read, Websites to Visit 4
The WCQN and the MOMA Come Face to Face
"Threaded Odyssey": An exhibition created by the Women of Color Quilter's Network, New York Chapter opened at the Donnell Library on December 1, 2000. The library is directly across the street from the Museum of Modern Art. The quilt show is part of a series of events that were presented over the year 2000 at the library. The events focused on the major civilizations from around the world including the western part of Africa. "Threaded Odyssey" is the final event in the series.
Eleven quilts hang from the balcony of the historic public library known and used by many art scholars throughout the world. The participating artists are Myrah Brown Green, Sandy Benjamin-Hannibal, Peggie Hartwell, Edjohnetta Miller, and Dr. Carolyn L. Mazloomi.
Threaded Odyssey will be on exhibit until February 23, 2001. The address is: 53rd Street (Bet. 5th and 6th Aves.)
Places to Go, Books to Read, and Web Sites to Visit
Spirits of the Cloth: Contemporary African American Quilts by Dr. Carolyn L. Mailroom
Hancock's of Paducah
Daedalus Books
A Piece of My Soul: Quilts by Black Arkansans by Cuesta Benberry forward by Raymond Dobard.
Quilt Inspirations from Africa: A Caravan of Ideas, Patterns, Motifs, and Techniques by Kaye England and Mary Elizabeth Johnson.
Quilting Today Magazine - on display until February 12, 2001.
African Fabrics - Sewing Contemporary Fashion with Flair by Ronke Luke-Boone
The Museum of American Folk Art Library, NY, NY
OAN/Art Book Specialists (Africa, Oceania, The Americas, Southeast Asia, Asia, and Middle East) 15 W 39th Street New York
Philadelphia Gutman Library Textile Resource -
*The images in this issue are Adinkra Symbols. There have been numerous created by the Ashanti People of Ghana, West Africa.
Send any articles that you have written via post office or by e-mail so that they can be printed in our upcoming newsletters. No more than 150 words please.
Michigan State University Museum Michigan Quilt Project
Documentation Project
Black Diaspora Quilt History Project -
Documentation Project
Women of Color Quilters Network Michigan State University
Cuesta Benberry Ephemera Collection at...
Cuesta Benberry Ephemera Collection
Finding Aid: Cuesta Benberry Ephemera ...
Worrall, Mary
Cuesta Benberry Quilt Collection at th...
Worrall, Mary
Cuesta Benberry African American Ephem...
Furman, Liv, Ph. D.
Themes for Educators: African American...
Sikarskie, Amanda Grace
Quilt Treasures Presents: Cuesta Benbe...
Justine Richardson
Afro-American Wom... Benberry, Cuesta
Baby Girl Green, Myrah Brown
Heat Green, Myrah
Love and Blessing... Green, Myrah Brown
Crazy Quilt Hartwell, Peggy
Eve's Garden Hartwell, Peggy
Jammin' Pass it O... Hartwell, Peggy
Loose Dreams Hartwell, Peggy
Mother Hale and H... Hartwell, Peggy
Ode to Archbishop... Hartwell, Peggie
Ode to Harriet Po... Hartwell, Peggy
Restoration Hartwell, Peggy
Southern Soil, Af... Hartwell, Peggy
The Journey Hartwell, Peggy
February 28 2014
The Mighty Warrio... Hartwell, Peggie
Wisdom and Cassie... Hartwell, Peggy
Alongside Every G... McCannon, Dindga
Jazzmobile #1 McCannon, Dindga
Black Family Seri... Mazloomi, Carolyn
Colorful Architec... Mazloomi, Carolyn
Gettin' Dizzy Mazloomi, Carolyn
In the Winter of ... Mazloomi, Carolyn
MLK Day Mazloomi, Carolyn
Midnight Jazz Mazloomi, Carolyn
Migration Mazloomi, Carolyn
Orient Dreams Mazloomi, Carolyn
Outside Annie's P... Mazloomi, Carolyn
Roads to Arizona Mazloomi, Carolyn
The Homecoming Mazloomi, Carolyn
The Embrace Mazloomi, Carolyn
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