Twenty-first Block Ready for You

April 12, 1932
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An annoucement for the twenty first quilt block pattern of the flower garden quilt pattern series.
Red and White and Blue.
It remains with us, this tri-color combination that leads all others in chic. And one of the most charming manifestations is the bolero frock of navy blue canton crepe with a blouse of white Irish lace and a high belt or red patent leather.

Twenty-first Block Ready for You
At last here is the final pattern, the twenty-first, for the Flower Garden Quilt-and could anything nicer than the Wild Rose have been chosen for this?

Remember, the border was the eleventh leaflet, and there should be 16 blocks made like that, only one of each of the other patterns being used.

This department has enjoyed sending the patterns to the quilters and has been delighted with the interesting letters and notes written about their progress and various ideas in making the quilt.

Of course, you will wish this last pattern, and all that is necessary to do to receive it is to send your request for it to the Beauty in the Home Department. The Detroit News, enclosing with it a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Copies of this leaflet may also be secured by calling personally at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building or General Motors Building.

Back patterns may be obtained at either of these Public Service Bureaus.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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