
September 12, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A portion of a Beauty in the Home column including advertisements for the Detroit News Wonder Package and Quilt Club radio show, and letters from Quilt Club members.
(clipping cut-off)…might be of either moire or damask to match the coloring of the carpet.

To bring out an interesting contrast the covers for the furniture might be of a light apricot ground chintz with floral design in orchid, rose, yellow and blue green, these being piped in the last mentioned.

The lamp shades should, of course, be very simple and void of any trimming except flat bands or bindings.

The arrangement of the furniture in this room is balanced, pleasing and inviting, three qualities which promise a successful room.

For those who prefer a pale green background this scheme is suggested - walls and woodwork, a light tint of green; floor covering and draperies deep wine red; glass curtains, like those suggested for the first scheme, furniture coverings, soft yellow ground chintz.

It is interesting to note that parts of the charm of this room lies in its convenience for every chair has near at hand a small table or lamp to provide for books, smoking accessories and proper light for reading for sewing.

Should you wish to have an eighteenth century English room you could scarcely find a more pleasing example of informality than the one shown in this illustration.

Quilt Club Corner.
This letter is from one of your admirers and listeners who heretofore has kept silent. I have never made a quilt but judging from the enthusiasm of your members it is indeed an interesting as well as profitable pastime. I have a lot of good material which would do for this work and I'm determined to make a quilt for a Christmas gift for my oldest daughter, who is 20. I have four and the youngest is six years old.

Are there any members of the club near me who would like to get together and quilt? My friends would like to joing such a club with me. I live near Woodward and Seven Mile road. I should like to meet Mrs. MacLeod. There were different members' addresses that I meant to copy but forgot to do so.
Mrs. Mary Donald
Detroit, Mich.

Oh, it doesn't take long to get one interested in quilt-making and I know that you will soon wonder how you kept from if for so long. I am sure your daughter will appreciate having a quilt as a Christmas gift. And then you will have to start right in and make on for each of the other children.

I am sorry your address was not on your letter, for if it had been some of the members would surely write to you. A neighborhood club is lots of fun. Why don't you write to some whose addresses indicate they live near you, I am sure that Mrs. MacLeod would be glad to meet you.

Do not let this be your only letter to the Corner. All of the members will want to know what pattern you select and how you like quilt-making once you get started.

I have been listening to the broadcast and reading the Corner. I have decided to make the Trip. I have made two Flower Gardens, ??? Double Wedding Ring ???? others. I enjoy the broadcasts and the letters very much.
Mrs. R.

Well, Mrs. R. you ???? or four quilts to enter into the contest, and I hope that you ???? to be right there with the ????

You will enjoy making the ???? for it is so different from the others that you have chosen.

I hope that you will write the Corner again.

The French Academy of Science is investigating a chemical which can be manufactured for ??? cents, and which will turn ???? of water into a fuel said to have the same properties as gasoline.

New Hour Now For Radio “Corner”
The 10 o’clock Wednesday hour to which the Quilt Club Corner was changed last week will continue until further notice. So far no objections have been received and it is assumed that this is as satisfactory as 10:30.

The Detroit News,
Beauty in the Home Department.

Enclosed please find 56c for which I wish you would send me THE DETROIT NEWS WONDER PACKAGE of over 800 transfer patterns.

Street and Number…………………

City…………… State……………….

If you prefer to call for this at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building, the General Motors Building, or the Main Office, Second and Lafayette, the price will be but 49 cents. Please do not send coin in letters.

On account of customs regulations, Canadian orders cannot be accepted.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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