Ann's Doll Quilt

December 09, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A pattern leaflet for Ann's Doll Quilt.
Reprint From
The Detroit News
Ann's Doll Quilt

By. Edith B. Crumb

This is something a little bit out of the ordinary, but why not make some doll a present of a quilt for Christmas?

The pieces are much smaller than you are accustomed to assembling and maybe after you have made a block or two you will like it well enough to use for a large quilt design.

The quilt from which this was copied used dark blue for the center square. The eight light blocks were made of clear, bright red and the four corners, as well as the triangular pieces around the red points, were made of white.

No Seams Allowed.
This pattern does not allow for seams, so in cutting, make a seam allowance. Ordinarily for a large quilt you would use a quarter-inch seam. That would prove too large on this tiny quilt, so allow only one-eighth of an inch. This quilt will not be subjected to the strain which comes when a large one is stretched tautly on a frame.

Use No. 60 or 70 thread for piecing quilts. Be careful to have a good knot at the beginning and two or three firm over and over stitches to finish off the seam. If this is not done the seams begin to pull apart.

How To Start.
Start all the seams one-eighth of an inch from the ends and the sides. In a large quilt the depth in was one-quarter of an inch. If this amount if left unsewn at the end it makes it possible to put the pieces together with bunching seams. Then, too, it facilitates pressing. The size of the quilt depends entirely upon the size of the doll's bed. Be sure it is large enough to tuck in at the foot.

Each block will be about 4 1/2 inches square when completed and they may be alternated with plain white ones of the same size. I cannot possibly suggest how many of you should use as there is such a difference in dolls' beds.

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Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
2016:5.30; 6119.81.47

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