Frills Find Place in This Room

December 31, 1942
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A portion of an Edith B. Crumb interior design column.
Frills Find Place in This Room​
Blue Predominates

Any woman would be happy about having such an attractive, frilly dressing room as this. A lovely soft shade of blue takes the lead in the color scheme. Table, stool cover, curtains, carpeting, wallpaper stripe and woodwork are all blue.
By Edith B. Crumb

A dressing room is one luxury that almost every woman wishes she had in her home. De-dads and furbelows in the living room are too much for the small home in good taste, but a dressing room can be as dainty and feminine as any woman wants to make it.

If there is a small room which can be made into a dressing room, by all means make it attractive and enjoy its frilly touches.

On this page is shown a dressing room that would be a joy to a woman who is happy in creating a dainty decorative effect. A lovely soft light blue is the predominating note in the color scheme.

As is opens off from a bedroom which has blue carved carpeting, this same floor covering has been carried through to the dressing room.

The walls are treated with blue and white narrow striped paper which repeats the motif of the chintz drapery valances of the bedroom. A wallpaper border simulating ribbon and bows run through lace beading finishes the top line of the walls. The ceiling is white and the woodwork is light blue.
Blue is repeated in the soft silk gauze glass curtains which are floor length and the moire which covers the dressing table stool is also blue.

The corner dressing table is an attractive arrangement for a small room such as this.

With one wall taken up by a series of doors to closets and a large archway in the second; the third having a window and the fourth a door there is little space in which to put a table of sufficient size flat against the wall.

This is of simple design with mirrored top and a triple mirror attached to it. An especially designed molding finishes the top

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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