Silks, Cottons, Rayons 2nd Floor

February 09, 1930
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An advertisement for fabric from Crowley-Millner's Store, Detroit.
Silks, Cottons, Rayons, 2nd Floor
It's Smart as Well as Thrifty to Make Your Own Frocks

Flat Crepe, yard 89c
All rayon printed flat crepe at the lowest prinde we have ever quoted. 39 inches wide. Formerly $1.49

49c Lullaby Prints, yard 29c
In a variety of new and attractive patterns for afternoon and sports frocks. 36-inch.

69c Rayon Ginghams, yd. 39c
Genuine Radioux chiffon ginghams in checks and plaid effects. Washes splendidly. 36 inches wide.

19c Dress Percale, yard 12 1/2c.
Dress and apron printed percales offered at an unusually low price. 36 inches wide.

19c Cotton Challis, yard 12 1/2c
In very attractive patterns - for the covering of comforters, etc. 36 inches wide.
35c - 36-inch Stateen, yard. 18c
In colors and black - a highly lustrous quality in two to five yard lengths.

55c Peter Pan Prints, 39c
10,000 yards to go. Variety of designs for all types of frocks. 32 inches wide.

29c A.B.C. Percales, yd 19c
In the season's newest patterns - light and dark backgrounds. 36 inches. Irreg.

25c Ginghams, yard 12 1/2c.
Kalburnie dress ginghams in checks, plaids, plain colors,and broken effects.

49c Broadcloaths, yard 29c
Printed broadcloths in a variety of patterns. Launders perfectly, 36 inch.

29c Plisse Crepe, yard, 19c
Washanredy Plisse Crepe for nightgowns, lingerie. Requires no ironing. Printed

$1.49 Rayon Crepe, yard 85c
All rayon flat crepe in every conceivable color. Soft and shimmery. 39 inches.

29c-49c Fabrics, yard, 19c
Remnants of wash fabrics in plain colors and prints. For dresses, aprons, etc.

19c-39c Remnants, yard 10c
Mill remnants of challis, Stateen, suitings, etc. Can be used for many purposes.

79c Dress Crepes, yard 39c
Silk and cotton mixed printed dress crepes in a variety of patterns, 36 in. wide. Special!

49c Piques, yard 29c
Printed piques, gabardines, linenes, broadcloths, suitings, etc. For dresses and ensembles.

49c Rayons, yard, 29c
Pebblesheen woven cotton rayons in an unusual variety of new patterns and colors. 32 inches - wide.

69c Rayon Satins, yard, 49c
All rayon satins in every wanted color. A highly lustrous quality for bedspreads,e tc.

79c Printed Crepes, yard 39c
Rayon mixed - 36 inches wide. Remnants of 2 to 5 yards. For dresses.

Colorful Prints, yard 39c
Genuine Light 'o Day prints - a gorgeous rayon fabric. Irregulars of 69c - special!

Shirting, yard 19c
Broadcloth shirtings in plain colors and white. For shirts, pajamas, etc.

39c Cretonnes, yard 19c
In a comprehensive variety for drapes and curtains. In the 36-inch width.

29c Pongee, yard 19c
Remnants of printed cotton pongee in pretty figured and floral effects. Colors guaranteed fast.

$1 Shirtings, yard, 39c
Rayon striped shirting broadcloths in 2 to 5 yard lengths. A splendid value at this price!

98c Rayon Voiles, yard 59c
Printed rayon voiles in the 36-inch width. Dainty patterns and colorings. Specially priced.

49c Ginghams, yard, 29c
36-inch woven tissue ginghams in checks of all sizes. Sheer and crisp - special at 29c!

49c Dress Ginghams, yard 29c
Gilbrae fine dress ginghams in checks, plaids, and plain colors. 32 inches. 5-15 yards.

29c Rayon Alpaca, yard, 19c
A highly lustrous quality in every wanted color. It is 36 inches wide. Cotton.

29c Plain Voiles, yard, 19c
Plain color voiles with wide selvedge. Splendid chiffon quality. 40 inches wide.

39c-59c Remnants, yard, 29c
Printed and plain effects in long desirable lengths. Charmeuse, broadcloths, etc.

Mill Remnants, yard 12 1/2c
25,000 yards to go at this greatly reduced price! Printed and plain effects.

$1.49 Flat Crepes, yard $1.00
Beautiful printed rayon flat crepes - guaranteed fast colors. 39 inches wide.

$1.49 Flat Crepes, yard $1
Solid color rayon flat crepe in 75 beautiful shades. Special! 39 inches wide.

$2.49 Satin Crepes, yard, $1.87
Solid color - rich and supple. Crepe back satin - 39 inches wide.

$2.98 Flat Crepes, yard $1.87
Printed flat crepe in smart new patterns. Floral and dot designs. 39 inches wide.

$1.69 Flat Crepes, yard $1.27
Heavy quality - all silks. In 75 pastel and darker shades. It is 39 inches wide.

$2.98 Canton Crepes, yard, $1.97
All silk - a splendid fabric for dresses and ensembles. 50 shades - 39 inches wide.

59c Pongee, yard 39c
Japanese pongee - direct from the Orient. Natural tan shade - 32 inches wide.

59c Charmeuse, yard 39c
Cotton charmeuse for linings, comforters, lingerie, etc. It is 36 inches wide.

$2.98 Flannels, yard, $1.97
All wool tweeds - pure wool. For ensembles, coats, and dresses. 54 inch.

$1.98 Flannel, yard, $1.67
All wool kashira flannels in smart new spring shades. It is 54 inches wide
Second floor - Main Bldg.

Gratiot - Farmer - Library - Monroe. Telephone: Randolph 2400

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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