Your Living Room…Summer Fabrics

June 02, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A portion of a Beauty in the Home column including a coupon for Quilt Club Corner membership, a coupon for the Detroit News Wonder Package, an advertisement for Horoscope Quilt Pattern No. 30, and letters from Quilt Club Corner members.
Beauty in the Home
Your Living Room...Summer Fabrics

by Edith B. Crumb
This department seeks to give assistance to all who are interested in beautifying their homes and will be glad to answer questions pertaining to interior decoration. In order to serve all who, seek advice promptly no more than three problems will be discussed in any one reply. Readers are invited to write to this department as often as they wish, but to limit each letter to three questions. State your question clearly write on only one side of the paper, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and address Beauty in the Home department, Detroit News. Letters with their answers will be published for the benefit of all homemakers but names and addresses will not be made public.

(clipping cut-off)
...arranged and charming. The draperies show forethought for the gay chintz which has been selected for them not only gives the appearance of coolness but it has just that amount of dignity that is demanded by a room with the paneled wood walls laid out such as these.

Plain carpets is a wise choice for it is certain to be attractive with both summer and winter accessories.

As the whether one should have glass curtains or not during the summer there is no rigid rule; but...(clipping cut-off)
(clipping cut-off)...covering and the copper of the slip covers.

Quilt Club Corner.
I am sending for the Trip Around the World quilt problem. I am sewing on the Horoscope quilt. I made up the four blocks as suggested and, like one of the members, couldn't understand how the rest went as it seemed too narrow and too long (two blocks width) so I ripped it apart and put three in a width and now I'm all ready to proceed.

I stopped at the General Motors Building and got a Wonder Package and it certainly is a bargain. The designs are countless. I am going to use some of the initials for the fronts of summer dresses.

I'm one of your first members and love the Quilt Club Corner.
Mrs. E.H.

Oh, Mrs. H., that leaflet was not to show the width of the whole quilt or even the arrangement of the blocks as far as the order of the zodiac were concerned but just to show how they were joined with the nine-patches and strips. Every body was getting so anxious and asking so many questions that I put that leaflet out so that there would be more of an idea of the general layout of the quilt.

I am so glad you like the Wonder Package. I know you will find a great many uses for it.

Plant lice carry mosaic disease from one bean plant to another.

Horoscope Quilt Patterns No. 30
Don’t you like the designs for the border of the Horoscope quilt? Don’t you think they are amusing, and fun to embroider?

Here is pattern No. 30 for which you have been waiting and while it is attractive, I am sure you will find the one which will be published next week the jolliest ever. Watch for the announcement for this next Monday.

In the meantime don’t forget to secure this week’s design.

To receive this reprint from The Detroit News, all you have to do is send your request to the Beauty in the Home Department, The Detroit News, accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

If you prefer, you may call for this at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in either the Majestic Building or the General Motors Building, where it will be given you free of charge.

Beauty in the Home Editor:
Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.

Street and number……………

This enrollment in the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club entitles the member to enter her quilt in the exhibit which will be held after the completion of the series of Horoscope patterns. Date of announcement will be made later.

Anyone who has completed a quilt from any Detroit News pattern will be eligible to become a member and enter this contest.

The Detroit News,
Beauty in the Home Department.

Enclosed please find 56c for which I wish you would send me THE DETROIT NEWS WONDER PACKAGE of over 800 transfer patterns.

Street and Number…………………

City…………… State……………….

If you prefer to call for this at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building, the General Motors Building, or the Main Office, Second and Lafayette, the price will be but 49 cents. Please do not send coin in letters.

On account of customs regulations, Canadian orders cannot be accepted.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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