A Call to Work Needles for Defense

December 12, 1941
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Needles for Defense column.
A Call to Work
Needles for Defense

Calling every woman who will help in the fight for freedom - every woman who is willing to use her needle for defense. There is work to be done.

That tiny needle and fragile bit of thread may seem like a useless weapon against the giant bombers which brings death and destruction, the capital battleships which threaten American possessions.

But - a gunner on a battleship whose feet are warm is in better shape to work for America than one whose feet are cold, and a sailor with a warm sweater is bound to have more confidence than one which shivers in the icy wind.

Flying an airplane is a vital job in the defense of America, but right now, women aren't flying airplanes. Right now, however, women can help knit helmets to keep pilots warm and make flannel pajamas for wounded pilots in Army hospitals.

Right now, you and you and you can't man the ships or drive the Army tanks, but you can keep up the morale of the men who do, by sending them the comforts they need and want.

That is why The Detroit News has organized the Detroit News Needles for Defense Club which will make it as easy as possible for every one to help.

This club will try to iron out al the complications. It will give out the work to its members and tell them just how to do it. The official Red Cross specifications will be followed.

In order to join The Detroit News Needles for Defense Club by filling out and mailing and coupon on this page.

Then watch these pages for your first work assignment. The Detroit News will distribute tasks to be done. There will be, in time, a job for everyone. Just how to do the work will be described on these pages.

But today mail in your membership coupon so that the Needles for Defense Editor may know whether you want to knit or sew for Uncle Sam.​

Needle for Defense
Please enroll my name in the Detroit News Needles for Defense Club.
Name ..........
I prefer the following types of work (check one or both)
Sewing .......... Knitting ..........
Address Needles for Defense, The Detroit News

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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