Designs for Bedroom Simple and Practical

September 25, 1942
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An Edith B. Crumb interior design column.
Designs for Bedroom Simple and Practical​
Maple for Wartime Home

This maple bed and chest are suggested as practical and charming for the wartime home. Because this wood calls for informal accessoriess, chintz, muslin, dimity and organdie may be used for spreads, curtains and dressing table skirts.
For further information call The Detroit News, Randolph 2000, line 555.
Editor's Note: This is the fifth in a series of articles on furnishing small homes of the type being rented or bought by many war workers in the Detroit area.
By Edith B. Crumb

To furnish the bedroom in the new house of Mrs. S. who has written for assistance, the furniture pictured today is suggested.

Mrs. S. has sufficient furniture for one bedroom, so only needs ideas for one more.

The furniture shown is of maple and the set includes a dressing table. Maple seems to call for chintz and the small all-over design shown in the material used for the bedspread is an ideal choice. It has a white background and the flowers are rose, blue and green with rose predominating.

The chintz which is used on the top of the spread is quilted in a diamond pattern and that which forms the wide ruffle at the bottom of the white chintz flouce is plain.

This same combination of materials is used for the over-draperies which are of white chintz with a wide flounce at the bottom and a narrower one at the top. They are used to over white ruffled glass curtains.

The bed is priced at $22.50, the chest is $30.50 and the vanity is $36.95 - or $89.95 for the three pieces.

If Mrs. S. does not want to put $36.95 into the vanity she may make a skirted dressing table. This may be of the chintz combination or of white dotted Swiss trimmed with bands of the flowered chintz.

Maple which is not only attractive but practical, needs nothing in the way of costly accessories. Lamps which are the old oil burning style electrified, brass candlesticks and bits of old china and glassware lend charm to the scheme. The lamp shown is interesting. The base has been covered with chintz and a bow of this is used for the trimming of the white plastic shade.

Hooked or braided rugs lend themselves beautifully for the floor covering in a room which this type of furniture is used. Old or reproduction flower of fashion prints, silhouets or Currier and Ives prints make pleasing wall decorations and their mellowed colorings blend nicely with the finish of the maple.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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