Your Quilt Editor Greets You with a Smile and Says: 'Remember Tomorrow is the Big Day, So Bring Your Quilts!

September 23, 1934
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including a coupon for entering quilts in the Quilt Contest and letters from Quilt Club members.
Your Quilt Editor Greets You with a Smile and Says: 'Remember Tomorrow is the Big Day, So Bring Your Quilts!

By Edith B. Crumb.

Tomorrow is the big day- and do you know why? Well, I'll tell you. It's the first day that the quilts are being brought in for entry in the quilt show. Beginning at 9 o'clock in the morning, they will be received until 5 o'clock in the afternoon at the main building of The Detroit News, Second and Lafayette. The last day for entries will be Saturday October 6, so get your quilts ready, wrap them up and skip right down to the News Building with them; get your little check and go home and wait for the big show, which opens at noon on Friday, October 12.

Please try to have a heavy piece of paper or cloth on the back corner of every quilt on which you have written for printed your and address, as well as the quilt pattern.

Remember, $500 will be distributed in prizes and there are many ribbon awards for antiques and samplers.

Now, I know how hard it is to send those little yellow postal cards back with entries on them and most of you have not had time to take care of this (for I know that the canning season is on): so even if you have not send it a list of the quilt or quilts you wish to enter, bring along what you want to put in the show today.

Don't worry about not having a quilt finished, for there will be a section for tops alone.

Who do you suppose will have her (or his) picture taken and then you'll see!

Here Is List of Patterns.

Some are not sure just what patterns The News has distributed and here is a list. Remember, new quilts must be from News patterns or original designs.

Airplane, Album (Friendship quilt) Ann's Doll Quilt, Dolly Madison Star, Double Monkey Wrench, Double "T," Doves in the Window, Dresden Plate, Flying Cloud, Flower Garden (applique), Four-Leaf Clover, Handy Andy, Horoscope, Indian Trail, Jacobs Ladder, Peek-a-Boo, Philadelphia Pavement, Prairie Queen, Mrs. Roosevelts Choice (Fox and Geese), Rose Medallion (applique), Seven Stars, Double Wedding Ring, Trip Around the World, Butterfly, and Aunt Janes Corner Cottage.

Please decide what section you wish to place it in, and if husband brings it , be sure to tell him what to tell us! From now on every one who enters the Detroit News with a package under her arm is looked at as a quilt exhibitor; and last year two men were surprised when suit boxes were taken from them (for they really contained suits!)

Cards May Identify.
This year there will be the nicest Quilt Club Corner you can possibly imagine with tables, chairs, pencils, scratch pads, and a welcome to everyone who wishes to exchange patches or chat.

And for those who wish it, there will be cards with their names to identity them. you'll read many names which you have seen signed to letters in the Quilt Club Corner.

This year will see one great, big, happy Quilt Club Corner party and I don't want anyone to miss it.

Quilts will be arranged in sections, with plenty of aisle space. All in all, its going to be simply wonderful and I don't see how anyone can help but have a fine time. By then, the Tigers will have won the pennant and everyone will be in such a happy frame of mind that there will be no cause for complaint.

A Suggestion.
I have a suggestion to make about the Contest. Couldn't you have somebody there who would take a personal interest and have things that we need for making quilts, and somebody who would start beginners and show them how to go about the whole business of quilt making?

By the supplies for making quilts I mean thimbles, quilting needles, frames, tracing paper, and stencils.

have made a quilt but I had to use my imagination about everything and I think that it would be easier to see some of the experienced quilt makers work.
A Steady Reader

Well, Mrs. "Steady Reader," we are going to do all possible to help the beginners this year. We hoped to last year but before we got started there were so many thousands of people there all the time that our plans were somewhat altered.

However, this year, there will be a larger Corner for beginners and old-timers, too; so that quilt patterns, materials, etc. may be exchanged. I do think that if you are interested you could slip your own thimble, needles, and thread with a few patches in your handbag. They won't take much space and it would be so much better to have your own.

I am glad to have you write in and hope that you will plan on coming to the Contest every day.

Quilt Club Corner Editor,
c.o. The Detroit News,
Detroit, Michigan.

I am planning to make entries as follows in the Quilt Show to be held October 12, 13 and 14. (Please state how many of each):
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from News patterns.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from original designs.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops made by a man.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops made by a child.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from a distance.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops to compete for prize
for largest number of pieces.
..........Antique Quilts and ..........Tops..........
..........Antique Samplers..........
Street and number.........
City and State..........

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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