New Silks $1.00

January 01, 1930
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An advertisement for fabric from Crowley-Millner's Store, Detroit.
New Silks

10 Different Qualities! All New! Fashionable Silks!
$1.00 yard
$1.49 to $2.49 Grades
25,000 yards of honest quality silk in all the most smart new shades is offered for your selection at this exceptionally low price. The recent lull in the silk market enables us to purchase unusually beautiful silks at a price far below current quotations.
Unprecedented Savings In Silks In This Great New Year Event!
39-inch Flat Crepe, Solid Colors, at $1
39-inch Printed Rayon Crepe at $1
39-inch Printed Silk Crepe, at $1
39-inch Rayon Flat Crepe, Solid Colors, $1
39-inch Crepe Black Satin, Black and Blue
39-inch Jacquard Coating Fabrics, at $1
36-inch Printed Silk Foulards, at $1
39-inch Printed Silk Marquisettes, at $1
39-inch Printed Silk and Rayon Fabric, $1
36-inch Heavy Black Satin de Chine, at $1

Crowley-Milner's - Second Floor - Main Building

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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