February Selling of Stamped Goods

February 03, 1930
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An advertisement for a sale in the Needlework Shop at Hudson's Department Store, Detroit.
February Selling of Stamped Goods!
Stamped rug patterns 69c, 79c, 98c, and $1.49, according to size, stencilled on burlap in colors. Yarn of completing, 49c skein.
Needlepoint, $1.69 to $7.89, according to size and amount of work done. Our own import from France and Germany. In sizes for pillows, chairs, benches, footstools. Patterns sketched above, $2.89. Beginner's squares, 59c each.
French Dolls to be dressed, 79c and $1.69 each. Wigs of blonde, brunette, black, auburn or white.
Children's Stamped Dresses, 85c each, of organdie in white and colors. Sizes 2 and 4. Sketched. With yarn for completeing.
Infant's Dresses 59c each. Of white lawn, stamped. Sizes for infants and to one year. Stamped Gertrudes, 59c. White lawn, hemstitched for crocheting.
Linen Bridge Sets, 85c a set. Stamped, 36-inch cloth, four napkins.
Linen Bedroom Sets, 85c a set. Stamped, consisting of two scarfs, three-piece vanity set and doilie.
Dainty Aprons, 85c. Of voile, stamped, requiring only embroidery to complete. White with colored hems.
Linen Pillow Cases, $1.95 a pair. Stamped, in white, with hemstitched hem.
Stamped Tea Towels, 5 for $1. Of cotton in blue, green, red or gold-colored stripes, finished with hem; stencil design.
Linen Towels, 89c each. With hem in green, blue, pink, or gold-color. Stamped in silhouette designs. Sketched.
Bedspreads and Bolster Sets, $1.59 a set. Of unbleached cotton, stamped, stencil design in Chinese pattern to be outlined. Of novelty weave cloth in basket design, $2.89 a set.
Card Table Covers, 59c each. Stamped, of cotton, bound in color. Of linen or rayon, with hemmed edges, 85c each.
Dimity Curtains, 85c pair. Stamped, finished with blue, green, or gold-colored hems.
Taffeta Pillows, 79c, $1 and $1.29. Stamped for quilting, in colors or black.
In addition to the above items there is a large group of hand-embroidered pieces including linen towels, tea towels, pillow cases and colored spreads, all specially priced!

In The Art Needlework Shop
Hudson's - Third Floor - Woodward Avenue Building

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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