All Rayon Flat Crepe 77c-Advertisement

February 23, 1930
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An advertisement for fabric from Crowley-Millner's Store, Detroit.
All Rayon Flat Crepe
Special Purchase Affords Worthwhile February Savings 77c yard
Rayon flat crepe at the height of popularity…and we offer an extraordinary sale of this desirable fabric! This is one of the biggest rayon scoops ever staged on the Second Floor! The very newest Spring shades are featured....Nile, peach, coral, orchid, maize, Japanese Red, white, black and others. 39" wide.

Other Splendid Offerings in Wash Fabrics and Domestics!

39c Printed Batiste, yd., 29c
Also 45c grade dimities and voiles. In smart new patterns. 36 and 39 in. wide.

55c Peter Pan Prints, yd 39c
A beautiful selection of patterns for dresses and children's apparel. 32 inches wide.

25c Dress Ginghams, yd. 15c
Kalburnie dress ginghams in neat checks, plaids and plain. 2 to 5-yard lengths. 32".

39c Broadcloth, yard 19c
Plain broadcloth shirtings in plain colors and white. Desirable lengths. 36 inch.

A.B.C. Percales, yard 19c
Irregulars of our 29c quality. Newest patterns - colors guaranteed fast. 36 inch.

69c Rayon Satin, yard, 49c
29" all-rayon satin in a highly lustrous quality for bedspreads. Colors.

49c Printed Piques, yd. 29c
Also broadcloths, linenes, suitings, lullaby prints. For Sportswear, 36".

19c-29c Wash Goods, 12 1/2c
Remnants of plain and printed Stateens, dimities, batistes, percales, suitings, etc. Desirable lengths.

19c Dress Percales, yd. 12 1/2c
Dress and apron percales in a splendid assortment of patterns. 36 inches wide.

79c Dress Crepes, yard 39c
Silk mixed and rayon mixed dress crepes - with guaranteed colors. 36".

Novelty Cretonnes, yard 25c
A variety of patterns and color combinations. 36 inches wide. 39c and 49c grades.

Printed Rayon Voiles, 59c
Smart patterns for Spring and Summer dresses. Soft and shimmering. 36 inches. Irregulars of 98c.

35c 36-Inch Stateens, yd. 19c
In colors and black - a highly lustrous material in 2 to 5-yard lengths.

Patchwork Quilts, $3.95
New "Martha Washington" quilts - made exclusively for Crowley-Milner's. Size 80x84.

18c Shaker Flannel, 12 1/2c
Pure white soft finish quality. Excellent for infants' garments - and very low priced at 12 1/2c yard.

49c Bleach Sheeting, yd. 33c
A heavy round thread quality for full size sheets. 81 inches wide.

59c Pillow Cases, ea. 39c
Colored hem pillow cases in 42x38 1/2 and 45x36-inch sizes. Colors guaranteed fast.

18c Shaker Flannel, yd 12 1/2c
27-inch white shaker flannel for infants' and children's wear. Very special!

39c A.C.A. Ticking, yd., 29c
A well known brand for the covering of pillows. 32" wide. Underpriced!

55c Bath Towels, each 25c

In large plaid effects. Soft and fleecy, size 22x42 inches. Full bleached.

$9.50 Linen Sets, $7.95
Snow white Irish linen. Cloth size 64x82 inches and 8 napkins to match.

$7.25 Table Cloths, $5.50
Irish linen cloths in the 70x88 inch size. Hemmed and ready to use.

Crowley-Milner's - Silk Dept. - Second Floor - Main Bldg.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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