Quaint Patchwork Quilts $3.33

March 09, 1930
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An advertisement for patchwork quilts and fabric, store unknown.
29c Palm Prints, yard 19c
A splendid variety of patterns for dresses and children's wear. Fast colors. 36 inches.

29c-39c Sheer Fabrics, yd. 19c
Printed dimities, voiles, batistes, and organdies. 36-39 inches. Spring patterns.

New 19c Percales, yard 12 1/2c
36-in. dress and apron percales. All new spring patterns. Medium and light grounds.

39c Broadcloth Shirting yd. 19c
Of broadcloth in plain colors and white. 2 to 5-yard lenghts. 36 inches wide.

Quaint Patchwork Quilts

Reproductions of early American patchwork quilts just like our grandmothers used to make. 80x84. Regularly $3.95
Second Floor - Main Bldg.

69c All Rayon Satin, yd. 39c

Specially adapted for bedspreads, drapes, pillow tops, lingerie. 39 inches wide.

25c Kalburnie Ginghams, yd, 12 1/2c
Genuine Kalburnie dress ginghams. 32 inches wide. 2 to 5 yard lengths.

79c Dress Crepes, yard 39c
Printed rayon and cotton, silk and cotton crepes, silk and cotton Cantons. 36 inches.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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